I said goodbye to my students on Saturday morning by taking them on a nature walk to "The Rocks," their favorite place at Shanti Bhavan. We climbed upon large boulders and enjoyed each others' company for nearly an hour. The children used my camera to take pictures, and I let the girls braid ('plait' they called it) my hair and we talked and sang and generally had fun in this unstructured time together.
And then when it was time for me to go, the tears began. I thought I wouldn't cry, but when even the boys joined in a group hug without hesitation, I knew this was a special class, a special moment. With sadness in my heart at all the goodbyes they've had to say in their short lives, I taught them how to blow kisses, and we blew them until we coud see each other no longer. They have a wonderful place to live and go to school, yet this reminded me that school is and always has been about relationships.
I smile every time I look at their sweet faces. May each little person achieve a happy and successful future! Namaste.