Laundry by hand or no clean clothes!
As much as I've enjoyed my time here in India and especially at Shanti Bhavan, I have to admit that I'm looking forward to a different pace of life back home where things are once again familiar.
With more gratefulness than ever before I'm looking forward to my own comfortable bed, to coffee in the morning while sitting on my patio while reading a newspaper, and to being with the people I love the most in the world!
Perhaps this is a good time to post one of the lists Kathy and I compiled as we continued our adventure.
Things To Be Grateful For:
- Running water in every faucet
- Shower heads
- Toilets that flush w/o pouring water into the bowl or tank
- Toilets that have seats to sit upon!
- Washing machines & dryers
- Lights that go on when you flick the switch
- Electricity!
- Water you can drink
- Fruit you can eat
- Fresh salads
- Eating when you're hungry
- Starbuck's
- Meals without rice
- Cheeseburgers
- Bacon & eggs
- Ball Park franks
- Paved roads
- Traffic lights
- Traffic and safety laws
- Bedrooms without cockroaches, lizards, and water bugs
- Wine!
- Beer!
- Beds with mattresses that are more than one-inch thick
- Beds with sheets that fit
- Pillows without lumps
- Window screens without holes
- Window panes!
- Ceiling fans
- Hangers
- A good night's sleep
Summer said to let her know how long it takes after we get back before we can take a shower or turn on a light without marveling in grateful appreciation!
But also of course it's oh, so beautiful here! And the people are incomparably generous of spirit. Here is a photo of us in our sarees, a last-day tradition. We were wrapped and adorned with bindis by wonderful Auntie Annie and Miss Asha.

Goodbye, Summer!