It's incredible to be here and to see the sights we're seeing and to be allowed to walk on stones used by people over two thousand years ago! We're not in museums, we're
outside exploring foundations of ancient synagogues, like the three we saw on Sunday in Korazin and Capernaum and Tiberius.

We got wet, really wet, when it rained. And then we dried off and warmed up when the sun came out - and then it poured again! And repeat!
We traveled completely around the Sea of Galilee, tucking into out-of-the way places between downpours to learn more than we thought we'd ever know about northern Israel. Our archaeologist guide is almost scarily intelligent as he explains the history of pagan Decapolis cities and religious Jewish cities and those with mixed persuasions during the past two centuries. He even points out how historians know these facts, such as the designs on coins (religious Jews would never depict a human face or an animal in 3-D) and on the temple floors (Hellenized Jews might inlay the signs of the Zodiac).
Exploring the ancient remains of a temple in Korazin |
Our day of exploration was capped off by a boat ride out onto the sea in a beautiful, historically-styled wooden boat. And we managed to have both beautiful sunshine as well as rain to add to that very special experience.
Gulls come to visit on the Sea of Galilee |
Each day we return to our lovely kibbutz with our new friends in time to view another gorgeous sunset on the Sea of Galilee.

And a glass of delicious Israeli wine!
P.S. Never get off the bus without an umbrella!